Let's put down our phones

Mozi is a social mobile app that wants you to get off your phone and into the real world.

You can’t share content or get likes with Mozi. What you can do is quickly find important information about your friends — from their pet’s name to what city they’re in right now. It also helps you put new contacts into context — so you can remember where you met and find out who you know in common.

Mozi is a private, secure place to share what matters with people who matter, so that loose ties turn into stronger ones, and strong ties stay strong.

It’s super easy to start using. Just sync with your iOS contacts (we’ll never share your data or message people on your behalf), and you’ll immediately start seeing richer profiles of Mozi users you’re already connected to. Share your travel plans to make sure you see your far-flung friends. And the next time you want to exchange numbers with someone, pull out Mozi to connect super seamlessly.  

What happened to "social"?

Behind Mozi's features is a strong point of view.

We believe that all of life's greatest experiences, opportunities, and richness come through our relationships. But most of us are not as mindful and diligent about developing those relationships as we could be, and we miss out on many opportunities.

Despite our ubiquitous digital connectivity, many people feel more disconnected from their fellow humans than ever. Social media started with the promise of global connection and turned into yet another form of ad-driven entertainment. We believe the problem is the premise. Mediated interaction gives the illusion of connection but does not lead to the kind of authentic, soul-enriching, human connection that we all desire. Sadly, many of us have become addicted to these pseudo-social experiences in lieu of the real thing.

So we asked ourselves: Is there a way to use the power of the connected devices in our pockets to actually deepen our connections? Can we create more opportunity to turn acquaintances into friends? Can we increase the social serendipity that makes life more fun and rewarding?

We think so. And that's why we're building Mozi.